header image, displaying an 80s style landscape and sunset

Tutorial: Next.js static MDX blog

a voodoo lady mixing potions in a big cauldron, it represents a dev using different packages to build a project using an IDE

I tried to make this tutorial as beginner-friendly as possible. If, however you have a question feel free to ask on the discussion page and if you find a bug please report it using the issues

In this tutorial, we will:


I made this tutorial with total beginners in mind. However, if you are already an experienced Next.js dev, then there are some chapters you may want to skip

Table of Contents


Today is the 13th of august 2024 and I have released the first page of this tutorial, the next pages listed here are almost done, I just need to finish setting the metadata, doing some spell checking, verify that the code examples work as intended, ... I will release the next pages over the course of the next one to two weeks, every time a page is done I will release it